In the German capital you will find over 170 museums, of which the Treptow-Köpenick district has over 20. Discover the exciting museum landscape in south-east Berlin.

The Museum of Decorative Arts (Museum of Interior Art from the Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo periods) in Köpenick Palace houses cultural and historical treasures of European significance. The Hauptmann Museum in the town hall, the museum in the old waterworks or the astronomical museum in the Archenhold observatory are also unique.

Over 20 galleries present the art of various local and regional artists. The district of Friedrichshagen has a special density.

Several stages from the Grashüpfer Puppet Theatre, the Cöpenick City Theatre (comedies, matinees) and the Schlossplatz Theatre (plays, music theatre, also for children) to the Berlin off-theatre Kunger.Kietz.Theatre play around the clock.

Galleries and artists

In recent years, the district has developed into a hotspot for contemporary art. Local but also international artists exhibit their works here.

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Berlin is home to many different museums. In the Treptow-Köpenick district alone there are over 20 museum facilities that are well worth a visit.

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Theatres and cinemas

Several stages from the “Grashüpfer” Puppet Theatre to the “Stadttheater Cöpenick” and the “Schlossplatztheater” to the Arena Berlin in Treptow fill the district.

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